Beaver Wheels 101: The Science

"But I've tried every option out there!?!?"  Well, friend, your back deserves better.

According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 5 in 10 Canadians will suffer from back pain at some point in their working lives. That means that half of us are allowing our backs to dictate our energy levels, the activities that we're allowed to do, and our mental well-being.

Enough is enough.

We've been trying to solve our back pain and correct our posture our entire lives. It sucks. And, after digging for years, we realized that all of the alternatives are either too expensive, only ship to the United States, or don't even solve our muscle tightness. So we went ahead and created our own.


Why is my back in so much pain?

Your spine is meant to follow a natural S-Curve. As we go through our lives - slouching at work, lifting heavy things, playing with the kids - we naturally start to cause muscular imbalances in specific regions in our back. The cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions of the back all require consistent stretching to maintain their natural curve. Unfortunately, life gets in the way, and we're not always able to maintain our muscular integrity without constant trips to the chiropractor. And that bill adds up - fast. 

How does the Beaver Wheel help?

Everyone has tried some sort of back pain solution. Specific stretches, exercise balls, foam rollers, squash balls, getting your friends to stand on your back - you name it, we've done it. The problem here is that traditional solutions typically target the *width* of your back. Think of a foam roller. As you roll, the pressure is spread across your back, from shoulder to shoulder. Although this can feel great, and can be a great warm-up before working out back muscles, this will *not* target the areas of the back that are causing all your discomfort.

The Beaver Wheel, however, targets the muscles along the *length* of your back. We experimented with hundreds of different dimensions to figure out the optimal wheel width to fit between your shoulder blades. As pictured above, the 5" measurement allows us to target your back from the base of your neck, to the base of your tailbone. Instead of spreading the pressure across the width of your back - you'll actually be able to feel relief where it matters!

One of the issues with foam rollers is that - well - they don't always have that much "foam". Although your back is one of your strongest muscles, it can be extremely uncomfortable to roll against a plastic surface with no padding. Beaver Wheels are hand-wrapped with a 6mm cushion to ensure we can roll away tension *without* rolling on bruises.

What about my other options?

We'll let this fancy graphic speak for itself.


Don't just take our word for it... 



Canada comes first.

The mission of Beaver Wheels is to provide Canadians with an affordable solution for back pain relief. Alternative solutions are expensive, ineffective (traditional foam rollers), or are expensive USD options that take far too long to ship.  

If you have any questions or customer service concerns please contact us at:

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Buying online can be scary - so you're covered under the 100% Beaver Wheels Satisfaction Guarantee!

We're so confident that we'll help your back pains that all of our orders are applicable for 100% refunds within the first 30 days. This is the perfect opportunity to try out the wheel to see how it works for your specific body type. Unfortunately, we won't be able to offer a refund or exchange for any orders that exceed the 30 day refund period.


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Canada, what're you waiting for? If you've made it this far, it's time to....

Note: This Site is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Products, services, information and other content provided on this Site are provided for informational purposes. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.